Famous japanese

■出演:2020年2月23日(日)|桜坂劇場ホールB|17:30 – 18:00☆要リストバンド

WARNING: Not the typical Japanese band. We will take you on a danceable storm through the silk road and beyond in to a funky future of ethnic galactic unity. A hodge podge mix of 8.5 unique Japanese individuals, with energetic and colourful stage performance that will melt away your borders for all to enjoy.


オフィシャルwebsite→ https://famousjapanese.com

2016.02 結成
2016.09 1st Album『ABUDAEBI』release
2018.05 Berlin&Istanbul Tour
2019.02 桜坂asylum2019 出演(当時はHASSY&theAabianNightersという名前でした)
2019.02 2nd Album『Famous Japanese the BEST』release
2019.05 seoul music week 2019 出演(韓国)
2019.08 SUKIYAKI meets the World 2019 出演(富山)
2019.09 TurkeyFestival2019 出演(東京)