ZhongQiang LU

1989-1992, Bass majoy, Nanjing Art University
‏1992-2000, Bass player, Composer
‏2000-2006, Producer, Warner Music
‏2005-2006, Music Director, “The Same Song” TV show on CCTV
‏2006-2014, founder and CEO, NetShow
‏2014- , founder and president, 13-month culture & communication

‏In 2010, Mr. Lu created “Folk on the road”, a still lasting show brand and folk music label
‏In 2015, Mr. Lu created “China Music House”, a world music label
‏In 2017, Mr. Lu created “CMH Family Music Festival”, a world music festival focus on family activities

With his musician, composer and producer background, ZhongQiang LU is the Founder and Artistic Director of 13-Month Culture, one of the most famous independent music label in China.
13-Month Culture had been committed to the exploration, dissemination and promotion of Chinese folk songs and independent music for the past 10 years. The company business includes record label, distribution, artists’ management, concert and music festival organization.

ZhongQiang LU is the Founder and Chief Promoter of two of the most famous Music Brand in China, Fork On the Road and China Music House.

Folk On The Road, the biggest brand of folk music festival in China, had organized a tour of over 350 shows which lasted for 6 years in more than 60 cities and had a audience of up to 3 million. It was described as the “Folk Revival Movement ”in China.

China Music House, the fast growing world music label, was established in 2015 after 10 year’s accumulation of music production and absorbing from Chinese culture by 13-Month Culture. This brand is composed of 5 sections: China Music House|Kunqu Opera, China Music House|Pingtan Opera, China Music House|Remix, China Music House|Artists Cooperation Project and China Music House|Cross Boundary Experimental Project. China Music House will aggregate the most talented musicians all around the world and absorb music essence from different nations to produce finest world music of Chinese characteristics.


2010年、Lu氏は「Folk on the road」を作成しました。
2015年、Lu氏はワールドミュージックレーベル「China Music House」を作成しました
2017年、ルー氏は家族の活動に焦点を当てた世界音楽祭「CMH Family Music Festival」を作成しました

ミュージシャン、作曲家、プロデューサーのバックグラウンドを持つZhongQiang LUは、中国で最も有名な独立系音楽レーベルの1つである13ヶ月文化の創立者および芸術監督です。

ZhongQiang LUは、中国で最も有名な2つの音楽ブランドFork On the RoadとChina Music Houseの創設者であり、主任プロモーターです。

中国最大のフォークミュージックフェスティバルであるFolk On The Roadは、60以上の都市で6年間続いた350以上のショーのツアーを開催し、最大300万人の聴衆を集めました。中国では「民族復興運動」と呼ばれていました。
